Friday, February 29, 2008

Success!! ... and the politics of aging (not about politics)

I am in a bar, rife with plug ins and wifi -- thanks, Psycho Suzi's!!

There are parts I kinda like about being an "adult". I like the fact that I can go into a bar by myself and not feel like a complete farty pants (that took about 11 years of being legal.) I like that when I complete important-ish things, I can pride myself in my grown-up-ness. I like that I will have to be reincarnated to experience puberty/my 20s again. However, there is a price for all this adultness. And it's called 'aging'.

I'm finding that, for me, it's happening incrementally. Yesterday, I pulled back my hair line to find two little red dots on my scalp. Old lady dots. eww. I also now have something that might be considered a 'laugh line', but is truly a 'laugh dent'. This laugh dent did not exist six months ago. Hellooooo, aging.

I don't like it, necessarily, but it's weirdly fascinating. And obsessive. And yet easy to forget about until you look in the mirror and you're carrying a walker. It's like puberty, but weird-and-not-as-exciting puberty.

When does it stop being novel and new? When are you surprised at the parts of yourself that are still young-ish instead "whoa, another grey hair" or "jezus. Why would god force aging humans to develop hair there???" Is there a turning point, or a cliff one might fall off?

So.. yes. Body's doing things it's never done before... secret small old lady things. Like desiring to wear rosewater. And collect aprons, cats, and small yippy dogs. Don't make me too old just yet, please.

Okay. Onward onto the end of the day and the beginning of the night. I drove home in sunshine! yeaaa!!! I'm gonna finish my work, my beer, go exercise, and then go watch some funny. Yea!!!


P.S. I am unimpressed by your ability to burp. Sorry. Sad but true, bike messenger girl. And I like bike messenger girls, they kick ass... merr. Pls. see above post about getting old. gack.

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