Thursday, May 15, 2008

Past lives, former wives...

Steph and I were talking about past lives (I guess Oprah just did a special about these things) and how sometimes we feel connected right off the bat with certain people, and not so with others...

Morning grumps were dusted off by doing a game show at the Museum today. This game show is totally dependent on how your audience is - - I was super duper lucky to have an awesome audience of 5th? graders.

There was a girl, front row center, skinny in misfitting clothes, with long brown hair and glasses and right off the bat she smiled at me and I smiled back, and we just kept making eye contact and smiling at each other the entire time. She came up to 'spin the wheel' and she had a soft voice, and you just knew she was killer diller smart, and after the game show, she came straight up to me and said "YEAAAA!!!" and that's all I wanted to say back. (and probably what I did say).

Her name was Britney. And Britney made my day. And I had to giggle. W00t. Thanks, Britney! (and all I can think about is "did Britney and I know each other in a past life?" - - pure sillines..:) )

Can you tell I didn't see many people last night? (chatterchatterchatter)


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