Monday, April 07, 2008

Short one...

Just got done with a teaching thing. Kids were nice and smart, even if I was trepidatious going in. It ended up being one of those "The kids are teaching me" sort of things.

There was a kid named Micheal who was possibly.. mentally handicapped? It took me a long while to figure out that a lot of noise and action cause Micheal to talk or explode out when others are talking. I don't blame him - - it's a lot to handle. It took me just a little while to see how his classmates totally took care of him. He was part of the class, and there was no exception. Almost like family. How about those kids? Seriously. Awesome.

Micheal kept talking while I was, and exploding out (which was harmless, just loud) and I was rolling with it, and finally, (when walking in space), Micheal went for my hand. Micheal's brilliant. He was suddenly quiet and calmed. It was so nice just to hold hands with him, and it was so simple. Nice to have the contact too. I realized how dumb I was, not realizing this sooner, and not realizing that lots of movement and lots of noise would be a lot to take in. We held hands the rest of class. Micheal called me a nice lady and gave me a hug afterwards. I should have included him in the activities more - - But... holding hands was what was needed. And it was nice.

So, thank you, Micheal.


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