Friday, May 09, 2008

What the hell am I doing?

Yes.. I know it's morning, and morning is when my heart and brain does a bulimic dump, and I get a tad emo.

I've made some choices which kinda make me wonder what the hell am I doing, but I'm all I have and I, now.. In general.. trust myself... So i'll just go with those choices, right? (aghhhhh!!!)

This is what is following me around this morning. Along with the fact that I realized I paid the wrong company my mortgage payment for May. if you want to know how that happens, I'll be happy to tell you.

Despite my morning induced emo, it's a lovely morning! And I got to read the Onion. In a coffee shop. Fancy and nice.


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

How did that happen? What did the company to whom you sent your payment do?