Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hammerschlagen!!!! Or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Batman...

Yeaaa!!! It's been a jam-packed 12 hours. NOW, the maltipoo is sleepy. Not at 6:30 a.m. (when he decided that it was time to run and play), but now. Pickles, my friend, that.. is Bullshit.

Hammerschlagen! PIC and I ended up at the absolutely wonderful Dave's for his Sümmerfest--Brats! Beer! Hammer-n-nailed together--delightful!

We were introduced to the game of Hammerschlagen (or, as Josh called it, HammerNail). H.S. was developed by drunk, bored Germans, who found themselves with nothing but nails and time. (H.S. involves hitting nails into a log with the wrong end of a hammer. Metaphor runs deep in this game.)

* Watch out for petite girls in long skirts!! They schlag hammers like none others.

* I am again impressed with various friends' hand-eye coordination. Wow! I'm just sayin' -- people have mad, hidden skills.

* H.S. presented the world with an active, visual representation of my learning curve. Hi, Jen's Learning Curve. It's steep.

I got home around 3:30 a.m.,and the roommate moved in around 9 a.m.. I am tired. Remind me about the Scottish Jehovah's witness (he's adorable).

My house smells weird, as her stuff smells weird (i.e. different). It'l go away, but its just... weird.

Oh--PIC and I took in "Dark Knight" last night.

I wasn't looking fwd to it. Christian Bale hasn't done much that makes me excited (another obsessed, humorless character? Oh, Mr.Bale), and I felt similarily about Christopher Nolan (another humorless movie about obsessed males? Sacrificing everything and everyone in their life for unattainable goals..? Oh yes, more of that please... I have a serious Nolan-sized brick on my shoulder.)

But.. Damn. Dark Knight was good. Batman looked like Batman (even if he sounded like Tom Waits' drunk uncle--that was a silly choice.) The cinematography was amazing. I've never wanted to move to Chicago before, but now I do. And goddamn Heath Ledger--not only was he jawdropping, but the character was amazingly well handled within the deeper context of the story. Crazy.

There will still moments of utter humorlessness, but they're topped with a nice layer of humanity. I was riveted basically the entire time, even during the questionable cell-sonar god machine. (Oh, Morgan Freeman....)

Dammit. I like a Batman movie. (ohhh! And Harvey Dent! Excellent!!)

My animals are being adorable. I need to look like a human being soon.

Enjoy your Sunday!


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