Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Just us chickens...

Coldtowne actually ended up leaving this morning, which seems much better-er than leaving at 10 p.m. last night. The house is now down to 1 cute dog vs. 2, and 0 lovely gentlemen vs. 3. Ah well...

- Opened a show about monkeys & their puppet counterparts at the museum. Thank heaven for four year olds in cowboy boots. When I asked "Are you guys ready?", he very honestly replied "I don't know.." and then I had to confess that I wasn't sure if I was ready either. However, I was partially saved by the world of 4 year old stand up, where the standard monkey jokes (800 lb. Gorilla, make like a banana..) kill... Yea!

- Saw Wall-E. This is a big movie. There are so many damn layers to this movie. It's jaw-droppingly beautiful. And funny. And sweet. And smart. It's Pixar in the bigger sense -- it's about very very big (but small) things. (Plus... Um. A delightful cameo by someone who makes me very happy)

- Walked around St. Anthony Main and saw deer, bunnies, ducks, and a turtle. Idyllic! And.. "I don't trust this Obama fellow... Change is for hobos." (courtesy of Jastroch--funny)

- Coldtowne went to a baseball game, and I went to Psycho Suzis with Partner in Crime. This was like Christmas. Yea for balance!

And now I'm up, and everyone's gone. This truly means that it's back to takin care of stuff, and work, and whatever can fill a day. I'm on it.


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