Monday, February 01, 2010

More than monthly..

Well.. trying.

How to eat oatmeal: With almonds and raisins and brown sugar. If you drop about a 1/4 cup of brown sugar into your oatmeal on accident, accept that it was meant to be. Drink with strong coffee if possible. Give to dog afterwards.

How to keep warm: wear lots and lots of layers. Feel exhausted as you're always covered by 20 pounds of depression.

How to watch PRIMEVAL! (Instantly Watchable on the Netflix): Recently started watching "Primeval", which, like much of British SciFi, is delightful, cheesy, and improbable. With DINOSAURS! (and some classy old horror-movie type movie tricks. And lots of Willhelms)

Anywhoo, a "time rift" has opened in Scotland.. London.. whichever. "Time rift".

Luckily, Scotland/London has a slightly sardonic and hardworn handsome paleontologist, along with his assistant, who is "not gay". (The subtext is waayyyyy better if Stephen loves Professor Nick). The rest of this hardscrabble team is made up of a geek and a pretty punk-ish girl. Everyone wears alot of H & M. They're constantly berated by beurocrats. And then there's a swat team. Was this written for 13 year old boys? YES!

Let's put this into the context of a drinking game:

a) Take a drink anytime the cute smart punk girl is seen in her underwear
b) Take a drink anytime Stephen looks to Nick for guidance.. but in a heartfelt way
c) Take a drink anytime the beaurocrat gives Nick a hard time, but then relents
d) Take a drink anytime Captain Tom Ryan goes in with his swat team to GET SHIT DONE!
e) Take a drink anytime the geek does something that actually works
f) Take a drink every time a crush is unrequited
g) Finish the bottle every time a crush is requited, but then is made impossible.

See? Nice clear archetypes. Perfect soap opery British fare. All of this, AND DINOSAURS!?!!!!

Pretty good looking dinosaurs too, in that new-fangled-shiny-British-BBC sort of way.

"Slings and Arrows" it ain't, but it is silly fun.

(I could possibly subsist on a media diet of Venture Bros., Flight of the Conchords, Slings and Arrows, Anthony Bourdain and now.. erm.. Primeval. *sigh* Thank you, Canadians. Thank you, Kiwis. Thank you, New Yorkers. I love you all.)

This has been a remarkably indulgent and not-personal-at-all blog. Erm. Along those lines, I also actually read a book too. "The Graveyard Book", which is possibly the best damn book I have read in years. Thanks, Neil. :)

"We Gotta Bingo" bings for another weekend (with a possible comeback in March? Who knows.. Minnesotans might really need to bingo more.) It's been lovely fun, with the best cast in the world. And the best band in the world. (This weekend, I got to dance with a 4 year old girl who told me, quite seriously, "I know how to really rock and roll." Yes, you do, Clementine. Awesome.) Improv A Go Go doesn't come back for a couple of weeks, but there's plenty to do in the meantime.

Hoping things are good.



Matt K said...

"Primeval" good, you say? Hmmmm. I've been on the fence about it for some time. I believe I saw a picture of a non-feathered dromaeosaur from that once, and Jen, I am a big old feathered dromaeosaur snob. Still, your recommendation is a potent one. I may have to check this out.

In dinosaur-related news, by the way, I just got a job at the American Museum of Natural History! Now we both work at science museums! Yaaaaay!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations!!!!!!! You are in awesome-dinosaur central!!! (and, please take Primeval with a brick-ton of salt.. It's really really really silly) :)