Saturday, December 25, 2010


Anyone else wanna say.. How fucking weird.

- It's strange that the changes experienced in the last five years can somehow outshine or outshadow the changes experienced between ages 19-22. Or even 12-17, at times.

- It's strange to experience Christmas under blue skies and lovely temperatures. I can't stop saying it: "It's so beautiful out".

- It's strange to feel as though you and your mom sometimes come second to friends. And sometimes second to a tablecloth.

- It's strange to accept an apology for said behavior.

- And really truly accept it. And the responsibility of accepting an apology.

- It's strange to not know what to do.

- It's strange that it will all end in 2+ days.

I'm so lucky to be with my mom and my sister. So lucky and blessed to be here together.

Also so strange and lucky to try and figure out holidays as grown ups. With no real reason to be together except that we want to be. Even if we're not sometimes ready to be.


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