Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Thursday - - only two more days of hiding left...

hNorfolk, pronounced Norfork, has been lovely and fine..

- Norfolk needs women!!! Ladies -- this state is filled with lonely blond muscle-bound gentlemen, who fill up their free time with working out (and watching some football... actually, a lot of football) Notably, there are not many 20-35 year old women around here...(as I assume they've probably flown the coop and headed to college), but bevvies of high school-educated guys who probably know how to change a tire... That is not an euphemism. Ladies - - you could have yourself a beautiful four bedroom house (for about $90,000) and a man who works construction (again, not a euphemism). There's a catch, of course... but everyone here IS really really nice, honestly. Where'd the women go, we don't know... but, Nebraska seems to need women.

- Our kids are awesome. (knock on wood)

- 'Saw some of the stand ups last night... very very funny. As Davey put it, "this could be the Sundance of Stand Up" - - and that'd be very very cool. I loved the host, Jeff Caldwell (dear Jeff Caldwell, I'm a fan)... Also, Chuck Bartell says hello, Twin Cities!!

- Ended up at the Mint Bar... which was like Buffalo Alice's in Sioux City, but just a titch more hardcore. Outside smelled like cow poo, inside smelled like.. ehh... cleaning solution. This is a local bar. However, the locals were patient, the beer was insanely cheap, and the jukebox was brilliant!!! (including a clandestine GNR moment... thank you, Mint Bar)

- It feels like summer here - - or at least the summers I grew up with. Warm and humid, everything smells (mostly good), the colors are bright and the concrete gets hot!! My hair and skin are reverting back to old habits...

- If I still had cable, I would never leave the house.

Back to the college (where we're teaching the workshops), for lunch and workshopiness.. Looking forward to getting back to the cities (nervous about the rest of the month, missing some peeps and animals something fierce), but it's been lovely to hide...


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