Monday, June 09, 2008

Sunburned lips, part II

Saturday involved:

* Waking up and little bits of Starbucks downstairs

* Taking the cable car. The cable car is filled with European tourists who are very loud and kinda alright with getting screamed at. (fyi.. Spaniards... Still loud.) Given the crush of happy euro-laden-ness, I don't get off at Chinatown, and instead...

* Get sucked into the vortex that is and may forever be Fisherman's Wharf!!

* Giving up and accepting the Wharf.

* Realizing that both dungess crabs & sourdough, both delicious, stink ickypoo when being cooked.

* 'Shopped at a Steve & Barry's on the Wharf... Because it was there..

* Escaped the Wharf and met newly transplanted friend Jen in a lovely, fancy neighborhood (think of a hip, motion-based Linden Hills) and eating at a lovely Italian coffee house.

* Being told to shush by a sweet Swedish lady

* GETTING A MANICURE!!! I've never had one. I now have French nails. I have no ideas about how to feel about this, except it makes me laugh and PG catches me admiring them...

* To the Wharf, and Ghiradellis chocolate, where PG was met and massive quanities of ice cream were consumed.

* Biked across the Golden Gate Bridge!!! Holy hannah.. Here's for another experience I didn't even know was possible or that I would want to do it..

* Raced back to the hotel, where dear college friend and his kinda new wife took us to Bar Crudo, which was flippin' incredible. (Oysters! Crab! Mussels! WOW!!!!) Perhaps even better was sharing dinner & making eye contact with Tom -- it's been about 7 years.

* TownHall for dessert and bed.

Very lucky, filled with dreamy goodness. Onwards!

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