Friday, August 13, 2010


How you can check and see if you are truly "Fringing":

a) Your sleep schedule is off. If you see a 10 p.m. show, you're not going to be able to sleep until at least 1 a.m.. And if you end up going to Bedlam after said 10 p.m., you're screwed. And generally speaking, happily so.

b) You wonder why you're tired, and realize that this is your 2nd to 3rd 14 hour day in a row.

c) You've danced like a hippie at least once. And again, happily so.

d) You can't leave the house without wallet, keys, fringe button.

e) You get comfy with the idea that all we do in Minneapolis is make and see art. All of our lives, all of our schedules and play time and relationships circle around making and seeing art.

There is life and wonderful people outside of this condensed, magnetized situation, an it's good to remember this while in the middle of the brawl.

But it's been lovely. So lucky, so much goodness.

I accidently saw some dance tonight. I wanted to see Spin, and thought it was at the Southern (without, you know, checking the postcard or web or anything... Assuming they had set the wrong program out in the lobby. I am an idiot, at times). Instead, I saw dance. agh! I learned:

a) There's some pretty good music in this modern dance stuff.

b) According to Mr. Munger, dancers are currently in discussion as to what exactly qualifies as their art form. What is dance? What isn't? Therefore, what's good, what's derivitive and what's not? I certainly don't know, and it sounds like they're, as a community, discussing such. Neat! I can't tell you what's good or bad (I have little reference), but I can tell you when I was engaged, when I wasn't, and when it was fun.

c) I have decided, for my own purposes, that dance is a physical meditation on a subject, story, theme, idea or song. A meditation, like walking a labrynith. Not necessarily a narrative, but reflections and interpretations told through action or non-action. That's all I've got.

d) I was trying to create an acting/improv/clowning/mime/dance spectrum in my head, but it's a double rainbow all the way. It's just not that clean of a breakdown.

e) That's a 3 week old reference. You're welcome. :)

f) I love it when dancers make eye contact.

g) I love it when dancers smile. Cause then it looks fun. I want a black leotard too!

h) John Munger's phrase "athletic and artsy" makes me so happy. Two things, that can be somewhat opposite in many minds. Again, neat. :)

i) Casebolt and Smith are damned inspirational. They don't set off to be. They just are. We are lucky.

Whew. Also, 'thought we had a good "Quest" tonight. We are nerds, friends.

Happy Fringing!

I'm really tired.


1 comment:

Voix said...

I am such a jerk. I haven't seen you out there at all - I've barely seen anything while trying to keep myself together and manage family visits during this Fringey goodness.

Hope you're rocking the house!