Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yoga and cooking and red wine

If I can do all three of these in a day, it's a win. A total win. Today was a very lucky day.. Hey look - - THEATER!

Did a show. Yea! THEATER!

And then saw the beautiful and excellent Uncle Shelby's Traveling Treasure Trunk - - I will write this in a Fringe review, but goddamn - - these men, this Jonathan Goldberg & Dan Moyer, write how I want to write and what I want to see. Absolutely lovely performances too. Plus - - ACTORS! If you are looking for quirk-tastic and emotionally driven monologues, look no further. This show made me so happy.

And then, onto MORE THEATER!! Mark Shyzer in "Fishbowl" - - I will also say this in a Fringe review, but Mark Shyzer is the handsome, immensely talented version of Plastic Man. (not that Plastic Man wasn't talented, just.. this guy..) Truly lovely show.

It was right before "Fishbowl" that I counted the number of shows I've seen so far - - 15. Not bad. I'm performing in 18. ..I AM FRINGING THE FRINGEY FRINGE!

(This, however, is nothing to the 33 show Fringe of ought 'seven, where Joe, Tim and myself performed in 31 shows each. I think I might have beat them out by playing in a couple of "An Intimate Evening with Mike Fotis"-es, moving my total up to 33. We were Fringe zombies. Hard and fun.)

Also, I'm not seeing everything I want to - - friends keep selling out, timing doesn't work.. This is a very good year, friends.

And then, over the next two days, only five more performances (and hopefully seeing at least a couple other shows), a week of teaching the last of the little-kid-theater-stuff, and then summer is done.. in my brain. This was the summer of work, and I was lucky to do so. But also a summer of fun. I need to stop referring to this present time in the past - - there's even a week left. I'm getting ahead of myself.

Life has parced itself up into one hour segments. Fringe show - one hour. Voice lesson - one hour. Yoga class - one hour. One scheduled hour, with a half hour on either side for good measure. I don't mind this at all, except wondering if my attention span has adjusted accordingly. Movies are again beyond my pervue.

I'm really tired.


P.S. You know what sounds kind of good and dumb - - the State Fair. It sounds really stupid, and really.. okay. There's a bag of minidonuts is waiting for me, along with the placental cuteness of the "Miracle of Life" booth. What will happen??


John Maddening said...

I'll be working at the Minnesota RollerGirls booth at "Fan Central" on a couple of days. We should meet!

Jen said...

Deal!!!! :) Lemme know when you're working, and I'll show up! I should definitely be there on the 1st.. How does your schedule look? :) YEAAA!