Monday, September 17, 2012

Waving in cars with boys

I got waved at today. 

I don't think they were making fun of me. 

(As that's my natural tendency.. to think, if a stranger is trying to get my attention, it is probably to make fun of me... it's absolutely leftover public school leftovers). 

They gently honked (twice), and then waved. 

And then I waved back. And then waved goodbye when the light changed.

It was really really nice. 

Thank you, random 20-30something guys in black hoodies and a white tiny car. 

You made me smile, feel nice, and it was good. (even if your intention was something different - - I don't think that it was - - it was just nice for me). Thank you. :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally wave at girls all the time!!! So glad you love it, I was worried that it might be forward! You've made my day. I'm going to wave soooooo much more!!