Friday, June 13, 2008

I got chased by Darth Vader!!!!

I couldn't help but run. It was m-f'ing Darth Vader! (heard him breathing before I saw him). AND THEN HE CHASED ME!!!! AGHHHH!!! Childhood fear totally rushing up (I still have tingles up and down my neck.. creepy!), I started running. And he chased me! He even threw open a door that I tried to escape into.

It was like someone came dressed in a really good Jaws costume. I knew there was a person underneath all that black plastic, but something 8-years-old in me was "get the f out of here!" Super scary!!!

And awesome. The Darth Vader then went on to ham it up in the Museum's food court, behind the cooks, pointing and 'ordering' them about.

Seriously. This Darth Vader is awesome.



Clarence Wethern said...

I'm jealous that I'm not working there for this. Bah!

Jen said...

You should be!!! ARGHHH!!!!!!

LRM said...

I am utterly charmed by this. And Miles would be beside himself with joy at the thought of being there with you for this.