Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hump Day! Hump day is started by "sleeping in" -- NYC is an hour ahead.. It's like I'm sleeping until 9:30 a.m..

- I walk. Screw the subway. Google says its a 40 min walk to my friend Brian's office. Begin!

- It almost snows. Yet I am warm. Except for my nose. And cheeks. And fingers.

- Brian is the puveyor of all things good - music and food. We eat roasted chicken and desserts in the tiniest of cafes, surrounded by NY Fashion Institute students (who are babies.)

- Walk through the flower district (2 blocks), mistakenly enter a wholesale shop (dumb), and walk my way south and west.

- Thank god for the tiny Madison Square park and benches.

- Forbidden Planet! And the Strand bookstore. The Strand takes my ass and hands it back to me...

- I purchase sock puppet portraits from an artist in Union Square. This seems appropriate.

- Wander around the Lower East Side.. wander...

- Collaspe in Kelly's apartment, await her call.

- Schiller's!!! Go to Schiller's!!! I fall in love with Schiller's. I order a glass of red, and they hand me a soft and warm sugar-cinnamon donut. Free. I heart Schiller's.

- Kelly walks me 10 blocks to a sexygritty basement sake bar. It was sexy and gritty.. And delicious.

- Kelly is sick, and wisely retires early. I take one last walk around her neighborhood. I don't want another drink, I'm not hungry, I just want to walk.

- sleep.

I'm at the airport, after a series of public transports. A gentleman just had a heart attack literally 15 feet away from me. Everyone jumped up, ran and called for help, or just stared... It took maybe 7 minutes for the cops and EMTs to arrive. A passenger rushed to grab a difibulator, offduty nurses and medics came out of the woodwork, the rest just stared.

I couldn't see the gentleman, just tried to watch reactions. They finally took him away, all the while hitting his chest. :( No one's happy, except for the creepy grandpa that just kept smiling, and walked his toddler grandson around the scene.

Flight delayed. Woman with monstrous stroller being a jerk to the ticket lady. Blaaaaahhh! Blah. But I'm boarding a plane, and am safe...

I hear its warm in Mpls.


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