Monday, April 27, 2009

Where did I go?

Umm.. not really anywhere.

Things that have happened:
- I've stopped blogging.

- I've stopped listening to NPR.

The blogging stuff will probably begin again (i.e. now), but I don't know if I will take on the NPR quite yet.. I've tried. It tastes like... dried newspaper. Sad thoughts. Knowledge. I'm gonna wait for just a bit.

Other things that have happened:

- Community Ed! I've started a Community Ed "Body Sculpt" class, which is both weird and delightful. I am the youngest in the class by at least 20+ years. We lift handweights and listen to afro pop and motown. Last time, my instructor opened up class by turning on some King Crimson. She saw Zappa live in L.A., the Mothers of Invention were ushering. Bwahahaha!!!

- I have today off (it's my regular day off). However, it has been eaten by a tire & oil change. *sigh* My Mondays shall never be just a day off. Perhaps this is okay.

This is all I shall write for now, as this computer is about to fall asleep. Baby steps..


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