Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank you to all!

Thank you to all!

Yes yes! Thank you to all who put up with us and supported us and supported people you don't even know in NOLA. You are amazing. Thank you so much!!

I am so glad we had that set. It felt (in a tired and shakey way) necessary. I was all full of stuff that I wanted to say, and it wanted to come bursting out and I don't know if it was good, but... it felt good.

(and Davey was a total badass. I wanna hug him like nuts. He had that look after the set. The exhilarated look of saying exactly the right thing in exactly the right way and getting the exactly right results, but no clue as to how that happened or what monster/spirit possessed him, when, truly, it was all him.)

Davey and Jill were the best traveling partners ever.

I think I will begin the listing of stuff we did soon, but... there's alot. Some highlights:
- I saw my first street lizard. (here, we have street chipmunks. There, they have street lizards.)
- I know I mentioned it before, but if you have a pet in NOLA, it seems you found it on the street, dying. Or you purchased it from guy on a bike for $10. Animals who need you, find you, in NOLA.
- My shins hurt. We walked alot.
- The sidewalks in NOLA are like rollercoasters. I don't know how the money with money and shoes walk on Magazine street. Tree roots grow under these sidewalks, and then push up.
- French Quarter was funny. It was best at night, walking away from it, to bars on the side. Checkpoint Charlie's had THE BEST music. Our Bar made me feel like a rock star.
- I met a bartender named Remy. There was a little girl named Adele. We met someone named Duke, and someone named Cubis. (I think). We also let a leather-clad lesbian who walked up and down the street and into bars in the baddest-assest way possible, screaming "I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!!!" This was awesome and hilarious. Unfortunately, when asked about it, she gave up the bit. Sadness.
- I think I may start talking like I'm supposed to now. I'm supposed to talk like I'm from the upper Midwest. It's coming back.

More later, I promise. I haven't checked my email or paid bills for four days. This fills me with a little bit of dread... You know. Onward! :)

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