Wednesday, May 27, 2009

From yesterday, before today...

Just did a show for seven 18 year old girls from North Bend, NE. They ruled. My irony for the day: the Plain states make for pretty people.

Just watched the trailer for the upcoming Sherlock Holmes, featuring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law standing very close in jaunty caps. Having just watched my first episodes of "House", will Robert Downey Jr. be channeling his inner Hugh Laurie? Is Jude Law's beard spirit-gummed on? I feel so. Yes.

Week off from the museum has been completed. It was as almost as busy as a week with the museum, but busy with relaxing things. Like Southern California! Helloooo, San Diego!

- We stayed at PBau's sister's place, which is in Ocean Beach, a neighborhood in San Diego. It's like Uptown, if Uptown was stubbornly non-corporate, and if most of our panhandlers were in their 20s. It's filled with dogs and long boarders, sand and tortilla-based foods. Coffee and beer, hamburgers and fish tacos. Everyone's tan.

- A lot of people don't neuter their puppies in the O.B.. This makes for unwanted puppies and that's sad. Listen to Bob Barker! Holy crap!

- Ocean Beach is referred to as the O.B., as opposed to the P.B. (Pacific Beach!) North Hollywood has become NoHo ("An Artist's Quarter") More awkward anagrams! Delightful!

- I drive in L.A. rush hour, which was actually less frustrating than Twin Cities happy hour. I can justify L.A.'s happy hour. Twin Cities, less so.

- Get to see Liz and Burk and Miles and Lydia for a total sum of 5 minutes. AGHH! But it was wonderful. Miles greets PBau with ninja posturing, eventually asking him, "Could you spread your legs?", which is the slyest of ninja methods for delivering a crotch shot. PBau wisely refuses.

- L.A. is filled with donut shops. I bristle with jealousy.

- PBau does an open mic (awesome!) hosted by the excellent Mr. Jeff Hopkins. We then go track down a Fatburger, directions courtesy of the waitress from Chicago, working at the Kansas City BBQ joint.

- We headed to the beach and jumped through waves on our last day, and realized we should have been in the water every day we were there. Granted, some of the days weren't warm enough to allow for that, but.. ah well.

- I actually get to hear someone say, "Do you want to talk or do you want to surf?" Yes!

- While in California, filled with happy cool ocean humidity, my hair embraces its inner scamp and I become curly haired. Like Downey Jr. & Law, all I need is a pair of suspenders and a jaunty cap.

- I realized that Chik o Stik are some of the most delicious candies ever. Peanut butter and coconut? Why haven't I been eating Chik o Stiks regularly?! I am a fool!

Got back to Mpls and the rest of the week was spent waking up very slowly and working on the yard. I now have another flower bed! Win!

Back to reality, and busy-ness starts up fairly quickly..

And now comes that time in the year where I question all that I do to make a living. Wonder if it should change, and if I should have some actual direction. Feeling very lucky and blessed to do what I do, and I love what I do.. but realizing I've done these things for a fairly long time. I will compensate for this feeling of unknowing and emptiness by eating some candy mix. (please see above Chik o Stik reference)... (I also have some cherry balls.. this is awesome.)


1 comment:

Tara said...

Hey, remember me? I was hoping to snag lunch with you at the museum sometime. Zap me an email and let me know what works for you! Your schedule is mine. TK