Friday, May 08, 2009

I wanna hide..

ahhh... Thursday was completed, and it was good!!! It was about a 15 hour day (honestly, 8:40 a.m. - 12 mid), most of which was spent talking to/or at people. Now, I don't really want to talk anymore. The idea of small talk gives me the barfies. However, this is a very greedy impulse, as Thursday was actually great. I'm just very tired.

MORNING - You 26 eighth graders - - well done! You made 9 a.m. improv fun! And you didn't hit each other or make out or anything. Thank you!

- You also called me a "cougar" for the first time in my life. It was a joke, but I actually tried to defend myself. Touche', clever eighth graders.. :)

AFTERNOON - You one sixth grader at one of my museum shows - - you kinda blew. No offense. Someday, you'll learn to listen. Luckily, I don't have to be there for it. Good luck at Prom.

EVENING - You 137 sixth graders from Thief River Falls in a strange hotel in Wayzata. YOU EACH RULE. I was passed orange Pez. I got told jokes ("Why do gorillas have such big fingers? Because they have such big nostrils!!" Bwaha! Yes, and unexpected from a sixth grade girl. I hope we would have hung out if I was also 12.) You were all super nice and willing to put up with some adults and some Party Quirks. Awesome!! Thank you!!

BEDTIME - You awesome people who came to Ka-Baam!! last night - - THANK YOU! :) (and, you all were not middle school aged! This was amazing, as opposed to all the rest of yesterday.) It may have been the sweetest ending we've ever performed. I was just thrilled to be Mr. Ritchie's cat - - who doesn't want to be a cat for about a half hour? (You just look haughty and clean yourself every once in a while. Bat at sparkly shit. Not talk. Fight sentient gorillas. It's actually very relaxing.)

POST BEDTIME - Oh god. I'm actually sore. I threw my back out playing.. something. Take that back? I may be getting to old for this. Sleep the sleep of the weary. Be thankful for getting spoiled.

GOOD MORNING - Do it again! (But only for five hours. And no teaching. Yea.)

What shall the weekend hold? Hopefully some relaxing. Hopefully some not doing much. (Working tomorrow afternoon, Women Stand Up at 10 p.m. on Saturday, and then the hopefully open field of Mother's Day... Cross fingers, y'all...)


P.S. Baby Lennes has been born!!!!! She is a girl and mom and baby are healthy and YEAAAA!!! :) BABIES, PEOPLE!!! :)

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