Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend done! Please let me mulch...

All in all.. it's done.

Saturday involved performing at "Women Stand Up!", a women-oriented (which just feels strange to type) performance venue. And indeed, Heidi and I performed her sketches. They were well-received. Yea, us!!

I got to do a face plant into a piece of cake. This made me super, unnecessarily, proud. Most of the time, when I've performed sketch comedy, it's been with boys. Boys tend to do the grotesque stuff themselves. However, it turns out, the grotesque stuff is kinda f-in' fun. Yes, it looks like I had poopy face. Yes, cake got in my nose. But it was a well-executed cake plant. I am stupidly proud.

Sunday was DREEEEEEAMY! NO PLANS. NO HAVE TOs. Just hangin'. This tends to only happen if I remove myself from the state. But, no!! Thank you, Mother's Day, for a completely empty day. I think I want more.

The "Cars with <3" commercial I taped with the lovely Mikael Rudolph will start to be broadcast soon. It's really really over the top cheesy... on purpose. I can't look at it, as my brain explodes, but it's really silly, hopefully in a good way. Mikael is awesome in it, by the by. Let us be a part of your society still, please.\

Onward to teach and the rest of the week.


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