Thursday, May 14, 2009


Busy tizzy week. No slow, but some sleep.

- I got to work on my yard. To me, this means I actually had some time. I need to dust and clean and finish the inside of my house, but to me, summer means it's time to fix the outside of my house. My yard is kickin'. I want to make it more kickin'. All worries about home ownership and living in debt seem to fly out the door when my yard looks good. This can't be healthy.

- I'm gonna apply for a loan to get the outside of my house and garage worked on, basically paint & gutters. And you can too!

- The dog got a haircut. The dog and I tend to get haircuts on the same schedule. They also seem to cost about the same.

- Lycopodium training at the museum!!! Not only is it fun to say (li-coh-po-dee-um), it is a moss spore, it is yellow, and when it's surface area is spread out, it's combustible! Makin' fireballs at the museum! The Fire Marshall had to come by and okay it all, but then got kind of excited actually seeing the poofball of fire. Neat.

- Teachin' and museum and teachin' and museum and.. I am very boring.

- It's beautiful out. Thanks, May. Nice work.

Family visiting starts soon. I am basically packed. Tomorrow involves some more work (just like Saturday does), but Friday gets the added bonus of haircut! Maybe I will make them fix my eyebrows! The world trembles!


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