Monday, September 22, 2008

Just the way you are...

I had my tarot read a couple of weeks ago... (I know someone for reals and really good -- and cheap! -- if you're interested) The excellent advice from the reading was this:

- do things that will give you pleasure -- not the short term, debaucherous hang-over-forming sort of pleasure, but rather a pleasure comprised of satisfaction. Doesn't that sound nice?

- figure out what causes you this pleasure.

How to find out (this gets all new agey goony -- forgive me): go lookin' for the Chariot (movement while being still) by concentrating on the Priestess (intuition) and the Hermit (go get by yourself).

Huh, I said. These are not bad goals. I will take advantage of time by myself by pondering and relaxing. (there's another change coming, like a page flipping in a book). I will trust my vibe. I will relax. However, ISN'T THERE SOMETHING I SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW????

My 'meditation' time was spent cleaning the oven. I also watched some Venture Bros. while sanding a $3 Salv Army score. Goddammit. My inner child is working out its OCD. My painbody is all type A. I really think there's probably some things I should probably be doing. I posed a couple of these things to myself (Go get woodchips. Measure ceiling. Figure out how to winterproof windows & doors... Hrm. I may work on those. Memorize. I might do that too.), but I think I might compromise by exercising (I ran around Lake Calhoun yesterday and didn't die! W00t!), making dinner (hellooo, grits..) and doing some calling. Being by myself -- kinda. But it's so much.. easier to be distracted.

Need to purchase a new laptop. I've changed the harddrive in my old one 3 times. I've had my current one for about 5 years. It's time. Ahhh, money. However, now the world makes 10 inch laptops! They're adorable! Like little midget laptops! Pondering one of these. Will have to purchase separate CD drive, but.. still! ...maybe I just want a laptop that's proportionate to my tiny dog, car, and income.

'Used a laminating machine today. Laminating machine are like crack. Can I laminate something for you??

Tomorrow features some long term time at the museum again.. (all for nice stuff, but still.. It's a long day). Wednesday features some dropping off of said laminates (so pretty! So easily addictive!) and some Stich n' Bitch (Sat & Sundays in Oct @ the BLB!!).

But my favorite comes soon: Creature Feature!!!! Thursdays in October at the Brave New Workshop!!! Aghhhh!!! Creature Feature is even better than laminating machines by.. like.. a million. Promise.


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