Thursday, January 10, 2008

Full of fish and cow...

Everything was a'whirl... a'whorl sounds so much better.

I got to work on time! Huzzah!!! This has been increasingly hard for me to do. Which sucks. Being late sucks.

I attended two and a half meetings. I've been told to give input. I hope this does not make me sound like a jackass, 'cuz giving input is secretly fun.

(I'm still knee deep in nanoscale technology. BTW, if I was actually knee deep in nanoscale bits, there would be sixteen bajesusbillion little nanoparticles surrounding me.. In these meetings about nanoscale stuff, I am like a water skiier. Keep your eyes up and just try to stay upright. Still, it's kinda neat. A trip to Portland, the Anthony Micheal Hall .. or possibly, the Mike Doughty... of City crushes, to discuss said nano-things may be in the works, which should be lovely. Fingers crossed.)

I got a hug from a kid today. That was rockin'. The kid called me "Jen" (he remembered my name), and laughed when he saw my badge, and I told him I looked like I was trying to sneeze and sleep at the same time. Thank you, friend. :)

Did a murder mystery thingie tonight at 3M's Tartan park. This is, at least, the second time I've been to Tartan Park. There is a certain joy to murder mysteries, a certain indulgent joy, if you are the victim.
a) Come in dressed like a peach Mary Poppins
b) Introduce self. Say murdery mystery things.
c) Leave
d) Get killed (a death scene!). Get carried out on a tapestry. (I felt like some strange nomadic bride, being kidnapped away. Seriously. It was a tapestry. There were five men carrying me. Teeeee.)
e) Eat like a king! Dear lord! I had a dinner that consisted fully of a large piece of walleye, a small piece of steak (yes... a 3M surf-n-turf), a couple of red potatoes, a salad, a roll, and an apple crisp. And two glasses of wine. I was swimming in amazement. I hung around with the stage manager/owner, chatting, eating slowly. Wow! (the rest of the actors were being awesome, doing the rest of the show. I will make up for this karma soon.)
f) Go home. Pet dog. Something smells like poo... *whimper*

So yes. Very lucky. It is time to stuff more lines into my brain, and see if I can still get an audition time tomorrow, as my day was usurped by meetings.

Listened to Fresh Air on the way home. Terry Gross was interviewing Susan Sonntag's son. I love me some Susan Sonntag (one of the best classes I took in college followed her book "On Photography" bit by mindblowing bit.. thank you, Susan Sonntag and Iowa State professor with the strange accent. You are and were both very very smart), even if I'm probably not spelling her name right. It was heart-felt and sad. And then, abruptly followed that up with an interview about a cookbook. I wasn't quite ready for the shift.

Tomorrow involves work and work - - I doubt I will eat as kingly, but I can think back to the fine meal and feel very lucky.

Hey look - - it's almost Friday...!

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