Saturday, January 05, 2008

A hard workin’ night...

Actually, today's the day of constant work (10 a.m. - 10 p.m., bizzitches) (All I talk about is work. However, lately, about all I do is work.. sorry.) But last night - - it was hard workin' fun. Things I learned:

a) There's not much right nowthat makes me as jazzed as two person Guitar Hero. At this moment, it's almost up there with eating Indian food. I was whiny until it got played. Viva la plastic guitars and making silly faces and jumping up and down and rocking out with friends to a computer screeen! Truly silly.

b) Green Mill makes la pizza delish.

c) The Fiscally Responsible boys have an awesome thing goin'. Vaudeville with a Pig perfomed at "Causal Fridays" at the Bedlam Theater last night (10:30 p.m. show, $2 admission, 2-4-1 tall boys). Fun. Amazingly chill and great crowd. My god. I feel good about what we did, laughed hard at the boys and the amazing Mr. Fotis (I really liked it, Mike. So good.), and played in a delicious improv jam with everyone. Sometimes, jam tastes like poo. This jam tasted like funny. Yeaaa!!! Thank you, Fiscally Responsible!!!

Saturday is merely a gateway to Sunday, and Sunday will be awesome. (or... Sunday, I will take a shower in my bathtub for the first time in months... eeeeeee. I will eat breakfast with a friend. eeeeeee. I will NOT go to the Science Museum, but I might think about it just a little. ... again, awesome.)

There was something seemingly important I was supposed to blather about, but it's, of course, slipped away. See you on the other side of today - - please have a good one. Onward!

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