Friday, December 19, 2008

I have a little notch in my thumb nail...

It's developed after tapping away at my Palm Centro's "control oval". Yes, I could just file it away, but.. It works really well. Creepy. I feel bionic, but bionic from a lab that had no money.

Holiday countdown is officially underway. I put cinnamon and raisins in my oatmeal to celebrate. I work straight into the new year and beyond, but looking forward to 'forced vacation (super short week next week!)

'Went to PIC's house last night, and his new roommate was giving away clothes. Clean, new, possibly this or last season Target/Ishtak clothes. In my size. Holy crap! I have a New Year's dress! I have very useful sweaters! Thanks, 23 year old stranger.

The lovely Amanda Palmer's (who's now being inundated with blogs who say her name) blog continues to make me happy, as she tends to write like I do, but instead of rolly unrelated sentences about monkey puppet show & commuting, she writes about good people and rockness and touring and f'ing record companies. I like her. And today she wrote: "...thinking about how everything, everything, everything, is used to further the goal of not simply not being alone, but not FEELING alone". And I think this is true. And it leaves me with cabbage-sized things to ponder.

Love and good things to you and your's.


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