Monday, December 24, 2007

It might be the 24th..

It might. I kinda doubt it, but people tell me.

On Saturday, whoopidy times were had, with a trip to Matt's for Jucy Lucy's (delish), a trip to the Red Dragon (good god I know better. Hell, I wrote a song about this particular experience six years ago. DAMN YOU RED DRAGON! I'm getting too damn old. However, it turns out their wonton soup is delicious), and then into a stranger's neato pad in Northeast for a "Solstice Party". I think this means that they have fancy cheese and a talking drum. Beautiful apartment-housy thingie, with windows overlooking the Mississippi. Even better than a dog named Ursa and dreadlocks? Why, a path to the Mississippi annnnddd a huge bonfire which made us feel very primal. Awesome! My orange coat stinks like burning pallets (I mean that in a good way), and I got to walk on the Mississippi. Cool. Sometimes, frozen embittered Minnesota gifts you some neat stuff. And nice conversation with nice people (or, by the bonfire, grunting conversation and treating your body like a rotisserie chicken... always turning).

I then paid for this neat stuff for the majority of Sunday. Got drafted by Davey to work at the Workshop, which was chock a block of the best people in the world. I was coatcheck girl. I hope I did not f up, as someone else got to handle the returning of 100 or so coats. Then a Bingo show (nice people), and watching Vikings football at Kincaids. This was more entertaining than expected. Um, I would hate it if a billion or so people cried out in pain everytime I made a mistake in improv, but I guess these guys are getting paid alot of money to be really good. I mean, they're doing the best they can, right? (John Haynes, this is how I watch football) ;) I understand the concept of downs, so watching the teams run back and forth along the field was entertaining. The conversation held by my compatriots went mostly over my head, but I did learn the name Tarvaris. (which, to me, is only a couple degrees away from Turd Ferguson... I'm just sayin'.)

I think I'm gonna drive to Iowa, and try on some xmas spirit. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, everyone!!! :) Please take care of yourself, and tell the people you love that you love them. They probably know it, but it's always nice to hear. Onward!

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