Sunday, December 30, 2007

Weepy and laughing at the Lagoon

More Science Museum. However, the crowds have been monstrous, which is both awesome and kinda exhausting. It's strange to guesstimate your audience to around 350 people for a 15 minute show.

Non-dinner afterwards, onto Bar Abilene (which was delicious, although probably illadvised, looking back), and then onto Juno at the Lagoon. Yes - - basically all you've heard is true. How the movie moves, the music (KIMYA DAWSON!!! I jumped up and down. I had no idea. This makes me happy, as Kimya as a 16 month old named Panda and a French boyfriend and I want Panda to be able to go to college, and maybe I'm a bit stalky, but you can read her blog too if you really want to... Thank you, internet, for letting me stalk strangers I hold in high regard), and the acting is choice. I'm gonna use the word choice. Everyone's amazing. Ellen Page is incredible. My eyes are still tired from being weepy at the end. whewwww...

Then to Barbette for vino and quiche. (wh00p!)

Uh... so it's back to the Science Museum in about 45 minutes. Soon, I will blog about other things, as there's some crap I've gotta do. Part of this crap is cleaning out the storage room and converting it into a bedroom.. er, my bedroom. It's gonna be tiny, but I'm gonna make it cute and hopefully comfortable. I've decided that it's gonna be a nutty shade of blue - - part of the fun of doing horribly stressful home projects is hopefully rewarding yourself with paint colors. Right? Right.

Go watch Juno. Go relax a little too. Onward!

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