Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year’s!

It's the start of it all! Happy new year's! Hoping your's will be awesome and kick butt, full of health, love, warmth and happy people. 2007 kinda did a number on a number of dear and good friends, and kinda did a number on me. There're parts of it that were amazingly and blindingly wonderful, that I would never give up for the world. There were also parts of it hurt alot, and are now part of our history forevermore amen. The nice part is that the good moments are part of our history too. Right? Right. It's just sometimes easier to focus on the bad... so... resolution number 1!

News and radios and website are doing their year-endly best of/worst of lists of 2007. I get to possibly see Butch and his amazing family at the Museum today (if only for a brief time, I'm excited). I should figure out what I'm wearing tonight. And the cat is doing strange things in the kitchen. I hope the cat is making a quiche for me, but he's probably just trying to get into the oatmeal. (He still loves oatmeal. Weirdo.)

So - - have a blast tonight. I hope to see you today, and if not, (I'm gonna say it) see you next year! (bwahahah! cuz... get it? tomorrow is next.. yes.)


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