Saturday, December 01, 2007

"When going through hell, just keep going"

I have heard Winston Churchill be attributed to a quote such as that or something. This was the quote that I was repeating to myself for most of the day.

I'm not sure how I feel about "snow". Yes, it is pretty, and I like how queer and strange it makes downtown Minneapolis. I like the sound snow makes, and I like how it sucks sound up. I also like catching snowflakes on my tongue. However, snow can also suck my ass. Bengal tigers are pretty, but they can also eat you. I am sure that quicksand ponds are also pretty in some way.

The last 48 have been chock a block full of poor decisions. Like ignoring "Winter Storm Warnings". Like pickling myself in Iowa City. (It was absolutely wonderful to see my sister, and great Iowa City fun was had. In fact, so much fun was had that I don't remember parts of it, and that is not good. That... is just embarassing.)

I left Iowa City at 9:30 a.m. this morning - - the ice storm had started and continued. My Kia look like it had been slimed, and then the slimed hardened. It took me 30 minutes to drive 3 miles. Iowa roads were messy and full of cars and semis in ditches. Iowa ended up being nothing compared to the stretch just north of Albert Lea. I did two full 360s and landed in the ditch. All in all, I'm suuuper lucky. No semi came by and smucked me. Four people stopped to check on me. It took two hours for AAA to come get me, but after two hours, they did. And then, after ice pellets and black ice and ice making my wipers worthless and being hunched over just to be able to see the road, there's snow in Minneapolis. I would be at a comedy show right now, if not for the fact that parking my car on the street (and then coming back to shovel it out) literally makes me want to cry. I feel like I handled alot today, even if on the grand scale of things, it's fairly small. But if I can take a break from handling more, that would be a fine thing.

And, truly on positive notes, the things that matter are aokay - - I made it to the show I was supposed to be at late for call, but on time for performance! (And the client fed us! Unexpected and lovely!) I am safe and my car is hopefully not too fucked up. Just... tiring...

So - - if you like snow, go out there and enjoy it! It's lovely. I, however, cannot give snow all of my love. Snow is a bitchy mistress, and my car and life and livelihood are threatened by it. Plus, it makes birdies cold.

Hoping your Sunday is safe (the fact that the weather can actively make things possibly life threatening is sucky. I know it's been that way for.. um. .. a long time, but... it's still sucky.)


[edit: I can't be crabby anymore. One of the most amazing people in the world just had a baby boy. Snow, you're totally forgiven.] :)

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