Friday, December 14, 2007

March for fun march for fun! or If I make it through Sunday, I’ll have done OK!

That's the plan. Sunday. Sunday is the last big day of stuff. Things quiet to a buzz vs. a roar after Sunday. And suddenly, a week after Sunday, it's xmas. dang. I've sort of given up this MUSTGETXMASPRESENTSIN ONTIME, which sucks. Maybe, after Sunday, I will be a present-sending fiend. It remains to be seen.

'Did a my first Mystery Cafe show last night, and I think it went well and I feel pretty good and boy was it alot of yelling. And that was fine. :) Nice people, and an adorable older man named Larry who referred to his wife of 35 years as his bride. My dad did the same thing. You get big points for that. :)

Sleeping for 8 hours seems to help outlooks a great deal. Today involves white elephant gifts / potluck / accordion practice / work / driving down to Rochester for a show. Today is two days from Sunday. Doing okay, wish me luck, and luck back at you.


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