Friday, February 01, 2008

and then it ate my post....

Typing on an incredibly tiny keyboard sucks goats. rewritten..

* I'm on the floor of the science museum.. it oddly offers more privacy than at my cubicle

* I got to pretend that I was a documentary producer this morning..or at least a PA. That was fun. :)

* I tripped today. It was a full face plant of awesome (I am a little impressed, and glad that it was just for me.)

* I know everyone deals with it, but I've got the post-really-happy-blues. Things are good and fine here, but this last weekend was soo good to me and spoiled me silly, and so-- I'm missing every little bit of it. So, I'm lucky and things are good here, but I'd rather be elsewheres with elsethings and elsepeople.

* I may not be cut out for homeschoolers. This sort of sucks. Apologies, all.

* I'm broke. But that's ok.

* Ilm in a show in the Chekhov festival called "Our Vanya, Ourselves". If you like the Golden Girls, you will like this show.

* Soon, my house will have a blue room in it. This is exciting! As soon as I can afford paint.

* my dog needs a haircut (which sounds like a creepy euphemism but isn't) and I think I'll get my tarot read cuz friend Chris offered.


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