Sunday, February 10, 2008

life via tiny screen

let's see... i've been writing these tiny blogs on a tiny keyboard... and my friend Rick sez it makes my blog's type really! tiny... really? this sort of makes me giggle.

* day was usurped by a friend's call to watch her youngest, while she takes her oldest to the hospital... said youngest kid was a delight, despite her ability to produce and disseminate fecal matter at an alarming scale. geeeeez.

* I am almost fully voiced. i'm so excited!

* I need printer cartridges and a little bit of time

* yea for improv a go go's, trying new things and bein' dark without really meanin' to.

* yea for bni teen rehearsal.

* yea for being sleepy enough for bed and home -- all at the same time.

* onward.

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