Tuesday, February 19, 2008

well... what do YOU want to do with your life?

These were around the realm of thoughts I woke up with this morning. jesus. I'm ready to move....

*** i'm doing another spring nazi play. When I worked for the Old Gem, every spring we got to do a 'nazi' play (anne frank... number the stars, etc), as that's what sold to 4-6th graders. The Science Museum is providing me with a chance revisit this time period. Luckily, with some really amazing people, which helps to handle the stupid horrible nazis. This time I get to play one of those stupid and horrible nazis.

*** My friend Sue and I spent an obnoxious amount of time in a Valu Thrift Store. Hours of strange delightful entertainment, literally...

*** Got a copy of the first volume of 'Persepolis' at the thrift store -- you are welcome to borrow/have it. It is welldone, sad and fine.

*** Got food and drink with a very generous friend Harry. I happily owe the man a meal, conversation and time.... :)

*** um. so. What do you want to do with your life? It feels like time to figure that out again... I'm almost these thoughts never stop, but just get put on hold for little bits.

*** Time to exercise and do laundry. I BOUGHT PAINT TODAY! whoop!

*** .... onward (in new thrift store-y duds)

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