Sunday, March 01, 2009

Things I like...

I doff my hat to yesterday, as yesterday unexpectedly rocked socks.

Things that are awesome:

- Having really great and adorable audiences at the Museum.

- Having a grown-up get the Mamet joke I threw in after "The Adventures of Splish & Splash" - - Thanks, grown-up!

- Last weekend, a six year old tipped me a penny for a job well done. Thanks, awesome six year old. :)

- Having english muffins and eggs! You are living in the high life if you have English muffins and eggs. Aric had been mentioning eggs benedict through the twitterverse a fair amount: I am too chicken to make an actual hollandaise sauce (it's like soupy mayonnaise.. delicious soupy mayonnaise). So, instead, a white sauce was made, and eggs were cooked, and everything was poured together. Mwah! A cavalcade of beigey, sodium'd goodness.

- Unexpected dinner with Jim! oh man. Nothing makes things more right. Jim is working on a new photo series entitled "Looking For Beauty in Unlikely Places". It causes much giggling. We ate chicken salad, he took photos of the pie case.

- Kevin M's 40th birthday party! It was a Perfect Party - - in a theater, lovely conversation, fancy non-diva folks all cleaned up, dance music, wine and shrimp. The birthday boy wore a paper party crown. We hung out in the lobby of the theater (which ended up working like "the kitchen" in a regular party... everyone tends to the kitchen). Got to catch up with dear old friends: happily blissed.

- I think we're becoming the mid-guard. The majority of the folks at the party were in their 30s. We're not the 20somethings, just out of college, we're not the old guard, happily swimming away at the Guthrie. We're the mid-guard: those who have done chunky amounts of bad theater, and some amounts of good theater and.. haven't had kids yet, I guess. We will continue to do some good theater, shrug shoulders when it's bad, and someday actually do more life stuff - - like children. I love these peeps. :)

- Serendipity also popped its head up at the party, unexpectedly, and I wish to give serendipity a hug. Very lucky. I am very excited and grateful and it got me thinking about Nassim Nicolas Taleb and his black swans again (blog post here) We SHOULD go to more parties.

- It's was also boss-Steph's birthday! I excused myself and drove to St. Paul, to find myself staring at two copper covered grand pianos. It's dueling pianos! What!?

- What a weird gig. Part stand up (you don't have to be very good at the stand up - - the words hole, poop, and shave got substituted into a number of songs), mostly really good musician (luckily most songs have four chords, and I can't imagine that people get too creative with their requests, but.. holy crap. Pretty impressive). Sometimes you could see the hate in their eyes. But other times, the two piano dudes actually seemed to have a good time. Like a sad, AdventureLand version of Ben Folds.

- I slept in! Success!

- Green eggs! Leftover white sauce + frozen spinach + eggs + English muffins = happy morning Jen.

- I've been looking forward to today, Sunday, for a number of days. However, Saturday was such a gift. I cannot complain.

The only thing I am fussy about is the inability to move my body in an active fashion. I have gear for jogging when it's cold: however, I'm also a wimp and this is a bit too cold. So, I feel all kind of slovenly and gross. I think I'll try and continue to catch up on BSG and get out the yoga mat. Nothing says inner peace like HORRIBLE STRESSFUL THINGS HAPPENINGS! Or, I guess, nothing says inner peace like being a cylon.


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