Friday, June 27, 2008

Animals are angels & TCIF!!!!

They let me sleep! Pickles only went out once and rest of the time there was sleep!!

TCIF was... Huge.

- Joe Bill's here!! That means it's reall!!!

- Met Girls Girls Girls and Pimprov. Now have a goal of introducing Chris Trew to as many people as humanly possible.

- Sets were great!!! Larnyx, and I missed T-Rex (arggh), and Stevie, and I missed SCRAM (arghh) and 1-2-3 Improv! and so happy and pleased and filled with love about the V w/a P set I can't tell u. (...and thank u, Nebraska...)

- Hanging out was fun!!! Davey's pizza idea was brilliant!

- and finally to home. I have one, short work-related meeting today and then its back. I'm looking fwd to it like nuts. Nuts, I tell u. Wish us luck... :)

Come out and see the madness tonight -- you'll be happy you did. Brave New Workshop, 2605 Hennepin,


1 comment:

JKB said...

Jen, On behalf of Larynx, I want to thank you for making us look AWESOME. Your music really pushed the best out of us, and we greatly appreciate your talent. THANK YOU!