Thursday, June 26, 2008

Animals are jerks & TCIF!!!!

Animals are jerks, seriously. (Unless perhaps their cuteness somehow outweighs their inherent jerk-like qualities) Last night, two animals (and humidity) conspired to have me sleep a mere 3.5 hours last night. Was it only 3.5? It felt like 3.5. But hey -- I successfully woke up at 6 am, blurred and beat down. Awesome drinks with Steph and Sarah probably didn't help things, but I'm still blaming the kids. Arghhhhh...

Highway 100 is my Vegas. Highway 100 holds Trader Joe's, Cub, and a certain Bibles for Missions thrift store. I can only do highway 100 once a month or less. However, I now have cheap food and a $3 butler chair. My refrigerator and living room are both now complete.

Hey punks -- It's TCIF!!!!! (everyone owes Butch & Jill shots and hugs!) Come to the Brave New Workshop anytime this weekend for some funny. Some really amazing stellar funny. It's gonna be stupid, how good the funny will be. Life is short. Next time, you might be reincarnated as a sea slug. You should probably just come to TCIF while you can. You'll thank your past lives for being so damn good.

Why can't I nap??? Is it the coffee that helped me survive a 7 am call? Arghhh!!!! Stupid irony. (if that is, indeed,what I am experiencing.)

The cat trying to make up for jerkiness by being super cuddley (sp?), while the dog just wants to eat the cat's poo. ...gross.


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

One of my cats was very persistent about curling up into my lap last night. I have no a/c and my house was pretty warm.