Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Braveiest

Last day of Norfolk! Arghhhh!! Again, the people are incredibly nice and generous...

- Kids' last tech yesterday, they perform today. Funny bits to me -- the 17 year old with a 45 year old's knowledge/taste in music.. A really smart 45 year old. (is that a Roger Waters' t-shirt you're wearing, Paul? Is that you knowing all the words to "Born to Run"? Well played!)

- Sat in a titch on Eddie Brill's stand up class...

- Last night was the last night of the competition -- Deacon won!! Yeaaa!!!

- Went to a banquet thingie after the show (and a quick Target run).... Reintroduced myself to Eddie Brill (you can google him) and introduced myself Robert Klein (you'll go, "Ooohhh.. That guy..."). 'Said "I'm Jen Scott, I'm with the Brave New Workshop, the comedy troupe..." and they said, "You're with the B.N.W.? Well, you're the bravest.." Hiyoooooahh! (perhaps they meant the target dress.. Either way... I'll take it!)

- Met a guy named Micah Sherman, who knows Rachel Bitney (mind weirdly blown). Micah's funny. He does movie things. That's exciting....

- Tech, kids' show & our show tonight.. And then the drive... See u on that other side thing (i.e. Mpls) Wish us luck!


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