Monday, June 30, 2008

How can so much fun equate to so much sleepy?

Mike Fotis took this photo. This photo makes me incredibly, stupidly happy. Thank you so much, Mike!! :)

Please note: This is a horribly written blog. There's not much room in my brain for anything else.


WOW!!! WOWWWW!!!! ... Wow!!!!

TCIF was like Adventureland, but for grown ups and less nausea-inducing. TCIF was over stimulatingly awesome. TCIF left me beaten up, delighted and tired. Thank you thank you thank you!

It was a party with everyone you know, with everything you love. We have been all spoiled silly.

Friday was delightful, interrupted only by a work meeting and an attempted run around Lake Calhoun. I thought it might be shorter than Lake of the Isles. I was wrong. (I think I would have been okay, if it hadn't been for the temp... whew.) 2/3rds of Coldtowne & 2/2s of Buddy Daddy arrived Friday morning, after driving 18 hours non-stop. They crashed, I went to a work meeting, and then forced 3/3rds of Coldtowne into eating at Punch Pizza. (Delish!)

Did Friday REALLY hold that much goodness? I'm checking Mike's photos to be sure. Damn.


7:00 - pH (Chicago) / the Election Show (Seattle)
8:30 - Rampleseed / Irish Mutts (San Francisco)
10:00 - Five Man Job / Coldtowne (Austin, TX)
11:30 - Girls, Girls, Girls / Pimprov (Austin, TX / Chicago)
12:30 - Neutrino - Twin Cities

I played piano for the Irish Mutts, who made me cry just a little in the best way possible. I also played for Neutrino, which had the best ending ever. :) All of these shows were nuts. It was so much fun to see Coldtowne screw with each other; it was a delight to be musically taken by Girls, Girls, Girls; and then there was Pimprov. Pimprov.

Saturday involved some sleep and a trip to Victor's (again, DELICIOUS!!!). Coldtowne went to the MOA, I went to a Slingshot Harold workshop (thinkthinkthink) and all came back together... It seems to me there was food involved. I can't remember it now. This sucks. It was delicious. (errr... Almonds from SA)

Saturday night was aces. Damn, the funny!!! It was an amazing night, with a secret nod to the BNW and Bassprov for destroying the audience. Played piano for Survivors. (delightful!) And then to the g'dam'd CC Club, which was honestly perfect. I don't think I've ever been to CC Club with improv folks - - surreal! I took Coldtowne to Little T's afterwards, as they should go. Pride Fest added a bit of zing to Little T's, as did the fascinating and possibly horrible man at the next table, taking pictures of the six skimpily dressed Asian women at his booth.

Then to Andy's, then to Jill's, and suddenly morning-birds are singing and it's time to go home.

I bailed on Sunday workshops (as I suck), slept, got the boys into the Star Wars exhibit, checked my email, and then took them to Cecil's in Highland Park (again, food!) which scored with high marks (yea!!). Back to the Workshop, for a truly delightful Sunday night.

8:00 - Police Cop Detective PI / Mustache Rangers / HUGE / Buddy Daddy

There was only goodness with this.

The final group, Buddy Daddy, took Minneapolis and demolished us with cuteness.

Appropriately, the night ended at the Mill.

We, as a community, are exhausted now.

Coldtowne leaves tonight, which is sad-making. It's been lovely to hang out with them, and force them to eat at my favorite places (and they have been incredibly, unnecessarily generous in feeding me).

Fun. Fun fun fun. :)

Not ready for expected collision with the real world (work, bills, etc.), but it'll be okay.

Congratulations to all (Jill, Butch, performers, BNW staff, concierges, hosts, students and performers) and nice work!!! (I love that, in the end, Butch said it was because of the audience that this happened. That's pretty amazing. I guess, in many many ways, it kind of is.)


1 comment:

The Irish Mutts said...

We did not mean to make you cry.

Don't cry.
Please stop crying
Why are you CRYING?
Stop it (sobbing)

(sobbing) oh god, hold us Jen.

Shaun and Kevin.