Thursday, November 20, 2008



Bwah! Bwahahah! Bwahahah!!!

I can't stop posting stuff.. I had to get off of facebook.. and start posting to my blog. BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Some years ago, I decided I wanted to make money. So, I started classes at Brainco, the now-defunct (I think) Minneapolis School of Advertising and Design. They hired ad professionals to teach the classes. This was either AWESOME, or craptacular (the guy who taught "creativity" can suck my toe. But the guy who taught my first class was the bees knees! So awesome! So enthusiastic!) We learned a little about the culture of the industry, and then started butting our heads against walls. I was grasping at straws until we got to work on television bits, and then I quit. (In my brain, it was either advertising or improv, and I was having a lot more fun in improv. Or at least, could say, I think I can continue to improve at improv, and hang out with people I enjoy). I'm still paying for the school loans. Ah well...

What stuck:
- My first or second critique was supposed to happen on 9/11/01.

- I met a couple of local rrrrock stars. If you work for an ad agency, on the creative side, you might have spent some time in college in a band.

- Billboards should have around 6 words on them. 6. that's about it. The current MN Historical Society billboards make my eyebrows go together.

- Keep your font count down.

- Black sharpies. I have many black sharpies.

- Photoshop. This, I'm so thankful for.

- Kerning.

Anywhoo, begin the moral rollercoaster. It's evil, but it doesn't have to be. It's manipulative, but 'can be used for good. And when it's good, you feel like you spontaneously and simultaneously finished a suduko puzzle and Photohunt, all at the same time. You feel cool. You feel clever. You're in on the joke.

If I'm in a Barnes and Noble, it's sometimes nice to poke through an Advertising Age and pretend. Other times, I don't want to bother, and it makes me grumpy.

So, yea! for here. All of the pleasure, none of the guilt.

Speaking of guilt, I am truly enjoying Entourage. Indulgent. But I now love me some Kevin Donnelly.

'Had a lovely day yesterday.. chatted with a couple of visitors, got my oil changed, had a glass of wine at Gigi's, hung out, and talked. Like real talked. As opposed to "non-real talk". Hrm. Yea! :)

Hoping to see dear friend Ashley in, like, 10 minutes. Hoping to do good today. Hoping to have fun. :)



purplesquirrel said...

I'm a fan of AdRants.

JKB said...

thank you for a new bookmark!