Friday, November 07, 2008

Mai fancy...


Saw "George Orwell's Animal Farm" by Jon Ferguson & Ktron last night..

- It was catered by the Red Stag Supper Club, a place I am goony about.. yum. And they served Pigs in a Blanket - - Appropriate!

- Saw some favorite-avorite people! (Hi Scott!) And Mr. Serrand actually seemed to remember me from my brief and pained tenure as Box Office chick at Jeune Lune! Goodness!!

- My goodness, what lovely performances. I only got grumbly and squinty-eyed when a couple of people weren't projecting.. (grumble.. the Southern space is huuuge).. but these times were rare, few and far between.. And the level of performance on the whole was pretty damned impressive. Plus, one of my favorite and most-gorgeous-people-in-the-world were there. (Miss Christiana Clark just rocks my socks..)

- Whoever played old Major (and whoever played the surviving sheep) were just wonderful also.. And the raven and Napolean and.. I know it's a collectively-created-thing, but, oh, for programs with character names in them!

- The only thing that left me grumpy was the damned story itself. It's such a 20th century story (written early on, and then just replayed and replayed again and again..) And it's a story we know. It may be relevant to us 20th century left-overs, but I'm hoping it won't be to our grandchildren. That it will be obvious that that sort of behavior is stupid and destructive. That there will be some sort of evolutionary shift (just as we're getting taller and our skulls are getting thinner) that deems that sort of thought unthinkable. I'm just going to count on that, and leave the politics where they lay. The politics the play addresses are still old and reeking of 1980(4) or so..

- I figured out where I had seen Ktron before. Youth Frontiers auditions. Many many Youth Frontiers auditions.. ;) I was never hired by Youth Frontiers, but, seriously, I tried...

Much Museum-ing. Much snow! (although Aric says it's cocaine, and that makes me giggle). Tonight should hopefully be lovely, followed by Museum and a late late gig tomorrow.. Here's for hoping! w00t!



purplesquirrel said...

Given the blind faith of many religious zealots, the message of Animal Farm still rang true for me. The story could just as easily address religion as it does politics.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming Jen. It was great to see you there. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The actor that played Old Major is Markell Kiefer. The other actor that plays the other sheep and the cow is Mr. Pilkington... is Shannon Forney. Sweet! Check out the City Pages review this week: