Saturday, November 15, 2008

I hope they don't taste like poo...

I've made corn-meal muffins, and hopefully they taste like cornbread and not like poo. If they do taste like poo, hopefully massive amount of butter and honey will help us ignore that.

Last night, we ended up going to "Tizi Ouzou" by Taos Khazem at Dreamland Arts. Dreamland Arts is a sweet little space. Very comfortable, beautiful flat stage (which screams bare-feet-modern-dance! bare-feet-modern-dance!), and owned by some of the nicest, most-sane people in the world.

The piece itself was lovely, and honestly got better the more Taos got into it. The thing I like about it the most is that it's basically a pretty sad story, but she presented it with such joy. Also, she plays around 12 characters in the show, and it was nice to find oneself reacting with "oh jesus, this ass again" or "oh good, I like her!", instead of "that was a fine portrayal by the actress". Nothing flashy: just a good story, honest acting, good stuff.

Before the show, we ate at Hong Kong Noodles (on Washington by the U), which was one of the most brilliant choices ever. (One gets the feeling that one should go early, as the place might be crammed with entire Grad student population of the Material Science department at any moment.) HUGE MENU! THINGS YOU DON'T SEE AT OTHER PLACES! (there's not much congee floating around Uptown) DELICIOUS!

We then went to Roseville to attempt shopping at a Banana Republic. Hah! I think Banana Republic's stuff is made by the same people who do Gap and Old Navy stuff. But, yet, at Banana, there's an air of Welcoming Elitism, all staffed by well-dressed Generation Y boys.

I also enjoyed how the salesmen/boys seemed to be very concerned about PG's welfare. "Is he doing alright?" "Let me know if he needs anything" "I'm just worried about getting your size." I don't receive this much concern going to the Gyno, but sort of adored the ever-present mother-hen-doting.

I don't know if I could take it (unless, I was at an actual high end store and truly expected it), as there aren't even dressing rooms in some of my favorite place to dig around, but it's a fun game to play. I, also, was very concerned.


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

I'm glad you got to see Tizi Ouzou. I saw it on opening night. I was very impressed with Taous' performance. Each character was clearly distinct with their own quirky mannerisms. I loved how the story unfolded.