Monday, July 07, 2008

happy.. 7th?

It's Monday, which is my day off. Today is an extra special day off as everything I had scheduled got cancelled -- success! (?)

- Took PG to the airport, after a run around most of a lake and breakfast. He's off to Buenos Aires (good lord, spelling?) for two weeks, lucky duck.

- It takes me a long time to eat cold soup. I cannot eat cold soup under pressure.

- Onto home, to dust for a potential-roomie meeting, which took all of 2 minutes. Judge my lifestyle, stranger! I feel she was unimpressed.

- I read a lot of Craft blogs. Lots of neo-hipster-make-it-yourself-thrift-friendly blogs. Not because I do this, but rather because it's something I'd like to be. Something I admire. Last night, all this media built up in me, and turned into a sewing massacre of success!!! I now have a wrap skirt made from a 1960's table cloth! I now have an oil cloth wallet! I, for the first time in my life, am almost out of white thread! The mind boggles. During this, I boozed on cheap red wine and smoked a single cigarette afterwards. Weird? Yes. Satisfying? Wholly crap, I made stuff!!!

- I sew like I draw. Impatiently.

- Before this, I made leftover-chicken pasta salad. This morning, I've made chili. I'm basically domesticating myself.

- This morning involved more sewing (damn u, <a href="">wardrobe refashion blog!</a>) and cleaning out the garage... Gross, but it's so close.

- My neighbor informed me that a kid had cut through my yard and stopped to take a drink at my hose. She waited for him on my stoop (she is awesome) and confronted him. He lied, and said he knew me, and said "she's got the little black dog." It's common knowledge that I have a dog, but weird to have a stranger use that knowledge as a lie of familiarity. Also, nothing's as private as you think. People will test garage doors and walk through your yard, just to see if you left a window open by mistake. It's not just North Mpls, but man... Just... weird. Part of me is "stay the hell out of my yard" and the other part is just glad that my house looks like salvation-army-land instead of crackville. I'm just gonna knock on wood, and be grateful for my yippy-ass dog. Invite no one in, keep your blinds down. Man.


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

According to Boyle's Law, cold soup under pressure should become hot soup.

Glad you're having so much fun sewing. Aside from the intermittent screw-ups, it's a relaxing and productive thing to do.