Friday, July 18, 2008

In my kitchen, cookin' up stuff.. (finally)

Thank you thank you thank you - - I'm not sure how to comment back on comments on my blog. Maybe there's no way. Maybe I'm just dumb. Either way - - thank you. These things mean the world.

I've had my head all kerfluffed by stuff I need to work out. And it's been hard to remember to count blessings and keep perspective... when one's head is all buried in seemingly really important sand. I'm very lucky to have people in my life who drag me back (i.e. you), and sometimes hand me a sandwich - - so - - again, thank you!

I got to hang out with some of you awesome people last night, and got totally spoiled with food, beer and support - - very lucky. (Thank you!) Short term plans - - I apply for some money making things today, and see a financial advisor on Monday. (The Powderhorn Residents Group is one of the coolest organizations around.)

Fun game from last night - - "Headlines"! It is purchasable from Twin Cities Green (run by the lovely and generous Tina and Ryan), so it's all green n' stuff. The players are given a photograph, everyone writes a 'headline', you vote on your favorite, and however many votes you get is how many spaces you move up on the board. You get a certain distance, and then you have to write with a theme. ehhhh? Pretty simple, pretty fun - - it's like a really slow short form game.

Traffic was weird this morning. I don't know why. Just.. weird. Not normal moving. However, the Current played a three-song-set of happiness...

Oh! Tonight at 10 p.m., Brave New Workshop - - Come see Mike Fotis preview his Fringe show! (and come see me go "owww", as I reintroduce myself to my bass. Owwwww...) Mike not only tells damn funny stories, but is a snazzy dresser and all-around soul of goodness.


1 comment:

Michael said...

You're welcome.

If you need anything, don't hesitate to pick up the phone and dial me.