Friday, July 11, 2008

Super pretty.

Suuuuper pretty.

And here it comes. Your guide to living in down times. Or at least, the tips. It's all a bit ridiculous (some of them don't apply to me, and some of them are pretty obvious, but it's always nice to see these things written.) Arrrrghhh...

Strange disjoint day yesterday, but happily capped off by Venture Bros. with Kevin M. YUM! De-friggin'-lightful. We ate cheesy puffs, drank a couple beers, and celebrated one of the finest animated shows around. Damn. There was even a Double Dare reference. And a The Damned reference. It'd been too long...

I stopped by Trader Joe's to pick up said cheesy puffs, only to relearn a valuable lesson about grocery store sushi.

My mom mentioned someone at the college she works at, getting financial aid for traveling and having to write about it. My secret response was "well, if someone paid me to travel, I could sure as hell write about it.." ...and realized that that's a pretty crappy response. Maybe I should actually start by trying to write something interesting while stuck in the everyday. That'd be good. Maybe I'd be a better writer if one could find meaning in the mundane.. huh, Jen, huh??? (Travel writing seems like a cop-out. Of course, it's going to be interesting! Your perspective has shifted!) So - - anywhoo... I'd like to get on that. Maybe it's time to replace that laptop.

Activities abound this weekend... but all at strange times.


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