Friday, July 04, 2008

That was yesterday...

I was grumpy yesterday. Someone beat me down with the grumpy stick. Sorry about that.

I couldn't work up the urge to do anything useful, and finally just gave up, resigning myself to the couch, Anthony Bourdain & bean dip. And after the Korea episode, Pickles & I decided to take a walk around Lake of Isles, as it was beeeeutiful yesterday. A phone call later, & Partner in Crime instead offered up a BBQ at friend Damon's place. And suddenly, it's fun city again! Yeaaa!

- Heard a rumor about the end of the new Hulk movie... I hope it's true...

- Drove to NE looking for buddies (who had taken off), and found Hipshaker night (every Thurs at Jitters). Groovy R&B from the 60s and girls in cute dresses, unafraid to dance by themselves (as all girls in cute dresses should be). Adorable!! I wanna play!! (one girl was even wearing a hat... A thrifted 1930s hat with her homemade cherry-covered dress... Yea!!!) Next time, I'm dressin' up.

- PIC & I head for the hills, and then decide to attempt homemade fried mac n' cheese bites. We came close. I think the trick may be homemade sauce and possibly some corn starch. This was Sonics' fault (the chain, not the hedgehog)

- I work today and tomorrow, as I forgot to take them off... (yeargh?) But it shouldn't be bad.. It's not for long, and afterwards should be fun! Holiday weekend fun. PG leaves for Buenas Aires (sp?) on Sunday, so going to try and steal as much PG time as possible.

Happy 4th! Happy Birthday to the Great Experiment! Now go eat something patriotic... (W00t!)


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