Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Yesterday blurred by, taken up by more sewing (The Starbucks barista asked me about my wallet! Success!) & cleaning the partial-hell out of my garage. I am one couch away from a super clean carhouse -- awesome! Celebrated by purchasing white thread at Target and heading over to Steph's for beer and chips.

I was going to follow Steph to kickball, but instead got a call from Davey re: softball. That's what I am -- the desperate booty call of organized sports.

I have wanted to join the Skirt Turtles for a while, but my Monday nights got strangely sucked away. No matter.

Within the play of the game, I found myself thinking of friends in terms I haven't used.. at all... in my adult life. Like "Mike is really good at throwing & catching" and "Jim can run really fast" and "DEB IS GOOD!"

I was also reintroduced to the back field (that sounds dirty), and felt that same creeping dread every time a ball was hit. (Davey traded gloves with me.. I don't think that have made any difference..) It was like trying to remember how to speak Spanish again, after 20 years of not speaking Spanish. But I hit the ball three times, successfully not closing my eyes! And.. the Skirt Turtles rock.

I came to realize why I haven't sought out organized sports.. Like organized religion, it's a lot of pressure (not from the Skirt Turtles - - they were awesome): I don't want to f up with everyone watching. Your rules seem hindering. Can't I do my own thing. Someone will be better at this stuff than me, and possibly trash talk my inability to connect. Organized theatre or organized music, I can cover if I mess up. Within the sports arena, it's immediately clear that I swim in realms of suck. I could get better - - but right now, suck.

However, the plus of organized sport (and, one would hope, religion), is that you get chicken wings and pizza afterwards. Success!

All things being equal, I would actually honestly really now love to go to a batting cage and/or throw a ball around. That sounds like fun. :)If you feel like either of those, please let me know.

Started off the day by putting off getting up, and then heading over to the Children's Museum to play with some preschoolers. They were crazy adorable. We brought mouse ears. Adorable!


1 comment:

purplesquirrel said...

I've been wanting to go to a batting cage for quite some time. Let's go!