Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I prob'bly need to get back to you...

Successful 9 hour sleep of two nights ago balanced out by 5.5 hour sleep of last night. Whine. But it was a lovely night...

* Monday work was fine. (some pretty cute monkey-loving kids) Grabbed happy hour with T.R. afterwards, which was all sorts of good--she is funny. :) 'Collasped at 10p.m. as my sinus headache told me to.

* Look - Tues! Last Six Ring of the semester, marking almost two years of IFSGWIS. We've had the core five members for all of this time--they are friends, they are funny, and they taught me, plain and simple (cliche and true). This was damned bittersweet. I love u guys!!!

* Onto Mike Fotis' Fringe show! So many many thanks to all of you that came out--especially 10 p.m. on a Tuesday! Thank you!!!!!! It was a great show, Mike did awwesome and I think we sounded pretty sweet together... Yea!!!!! Thank you!

* Last performance of Fotis' show is scheduled for 2:30 this Saturday, Theatre Garage. Pls come--you'll be pleased. :)

* Onto Joe's Garage. Commence staying up too late. Lovely time. Argh.

Went to my block's National Night Out for about 15 minutes, as I had to zoom away. I think I fully underwhelmed some of the neighbors, had to talk about Tim & I's breakup with others (neighbors miss seeing Tim around, plain and simple. Also -- neighbors watch.), but got along in a happy socially successful way with others. Whew. Everything was going somewhat swimmingly until nice boyfriend of nice neighbor made a truly passive aggressive comment about Pickles as I'm on my way out. Really??? My brain was not ready to deal with this little bit of B.S. in the moment (but, boy, do I have comebacks NOW) -- stupid snark. If you have a problem with my barky little dog, pls be up front about it. Also, do I mow my lawn? (yes). Do I keep Pickles outside and barking all day? (no.) Is there the chance of Pickles eating your cats? (no.) Do I sell meth and/or shout swears at your Honda? (no.) Are you awoken by my carpool, honking at my house every morning around 8 a.m.? (no.) Did National Night Out have almost the opposite intended effect for me? ... Only with one dude, so, of course, I must focus all of my tiny typing power on that. Feel my passive agressive wrath back at you, Minnesotan!!! Grr.

Hey! It's Wednesday! Sweet. Looking forward to Saturday, for a variety of reasons. Wish us luck!


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