Saturday, August 09, 2008

My German side told my Irish side to eat it...

.. but then both got along over potatoes.

Potato salad, an apple, and braunschweiger on sesame flat cracker-things. A very summer-in-Munich sort of dinner. Um.. topped off with a Smirnoff Ice, so maybe it's more of a East-Germany-vacations-in-1984 sort of affair.

I've taken meat ALMOST out of my diet. Somehow, braunschweiger is something different, being scrunched up and flavored internal organs vs. leans hanks of muscle tissue. It's in a spreadable form, though technically still meat. It is gross, curious, and delicious all at the same time.

PG's back! Whoop! He's currently sleeping, as jet lag sucks.

Please keep your eyes open! Mike may have the Encore performance slot at the Theater Garage tomorrow night - - we don't know yet. If so, it'd be 8:30 p.m. and full of awesome. :)

Saw both Ellie and Joe at Kowalski's tonight. yea!


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