Saturday, August 09, 2008

Remember all that...?

Last night was lovely awesome.

PIC and I went to Kowalski's.

- I devoured a mound of pasta as big as my head. Maybe it wasn't. But it was more pasta than one person needs to devour. ...And asparagus! And wine! And pre-season football! It was a little as if the boys from Queer Eye (circa 2001) had come to help us watch the Vikings, but still feel a little classy about it.

PIC and I then went to the Brave New Workshop!

- AWESOME Awesome awesome show!!! Please go see the Workshop's latest Election show. It's delightful. We giggled and snorted and drank Finnegan's and thank you for making us laugh, funny people. Happy.

- BNW's After Party is delightful! Videos and short form and more Finnegan's and funny.

PIC and I and a bunch of lovely people go to the Mill.

- YEAAA!! And whaaaauuuuu... That sort of sped by. Again, super duper happy.. The night ended with the group trying to out "ugly" each other on Davey's camera. Delightful!! Horrible pictures to follow...

I go home, and wake up the next morning...

- um. gack. It feels like I went out last night. But it was so much fun! This morning was a series of false starts and questionable actions. I almost forgot to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. I tried to exercise before work, wondered if I was going to throw up, and then took a nap. I started to do dishes, and ended up putting one of those said dishes in the garbage. Gack.

I go to the Museum...

- A headache almost helps one do children's theater, as it forces one to slow down.. right? (arrgh) All of the monkeys in my puppet show were grumpy or hungover...

Last Fotis show today at 2:30 p.m.!!! Please come! Theatre Garage!!

PG comes back today!! I'm freaking out, just a little...

Looking at pictures of friends/acquaintances from High School. They're starting to look.. old. I'm starting to look.. old. Damn us for looking our age. And making babies. And desiring things like 401Ks.

Have a good rest of your weekend!


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