Sunday, February 08, 2009

A reminder of what to do..

What to do:
- When part of your Game Show set falls onto two small children. You lunge towards it, and then call security. Thank god, these children have an awesome mom who took it all much better than I did. Thank god, the six year old was like "eh" and the four year old was like "I'm hungry". My hand has the tiniest, owiest bit of Wheel of Nano burn (but looks kind of bad ass).

- When you don't think and just do. You can end up running around a lake between Saturday works. W00t!

- When you get to see someone you haven't for the longest time. Get up, smile and hug like crazy. And compare notes. Yea!

- When friends offer to meet you for drinks. No matter how beat you are, do it.

- When guys at the next table start playing with you. If they're funny and nice, play back. They were!

- When you wonder if you should have hung around, after your friends left, to play some more. Count on future serendipity and grudgingly acknowledge the wiseness of home and bed. Thank you for a lovely night!

It's beautiful out! I'm trying to figure out what to do before heading to Sunday work..

I'm working on my big trashed room upstairs. (I could go to Home Depot and purchase the flooring I've been eying. The price is awesome. It's just.. wuf. Work and money. :( But necessary. And good!) What I hope this big room will have when finished:

- Lots of light.

- Lots of plants (which somehow, magically, I will keep alive)

- Floors.

- A work station for my never-used sewing machine and over-used laptop...

- A place for guests to sleep, complete with my futon couch. My first piece of furniture, purchased for $200 almost 10 years ago. You go with your bad self, futon couch.

Moving the futon couch upstairs will enable me to purchase a beautiful midcentury couch for downstairs. (Which will magically waiting for me, and be affordable. right?)

Perhaps I will get all of this done before TCIF. That way more improvisers from around the nation can experience Minneapolis' north side. Hrm.

And I will paint the kitchen green.

And cover it's tiny walls in vintage-y plates.

There. All of this will magically happen. And my refrigerator will be stainless steel, and my gutters will be fixed, and my exterior trim will be repainted and my multiple landscaped yet scrappy gardens will be weeded constantly. I will know exactly what seeds to plant for Zone 4. And I will add that cement patio. And my garage will be repainted. My dog will be well behaved and my cat's poo will smell like lavender. ALL THE TIME. RIGHT? Right.

It'll be okay. Time for some sunshine.

But you know what's awesome? These. (I need to finish and paint my stairs too)

(psst.. I will also have red hair cut into a cute boy cut, all the while graying gracefully. I will draw often and hang out with skater boys, and wear just enough make up when I feel like it, and will own an awesome bike, and graduate to Yoga 2. And I will also know how to change a tire too.)


1 comment:

Tara said...

I can teach you how to change a tire. :)

Next week, not so good. How 'bout the next??? Not for tire changing, but for museum-ing. And if a piece of set falls on my kid, I'll be cool about it, too!